Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Update :)

Hello Everyone,

I hope all has been well since my last post.  I wanted to give you an update on how the girls are doing and how we have been spending our time. 

My last post was from Chicago, Illinois.  We were at the North American Irish Dance Championships. 

Well since then, we have thoroughly enjoyed our summer down at the Jersey shore.  We tend to take a well needed and well deserved break from dancing and traveling to enjoy our time at the shore. 

Now it is the Fall and school and dance are in full swing.  The girls are back to their weekly dance schedule.  We try to compete about twice a month, and the competitions, called a Feis,  are local.  Our traveling consist of driving all over the tri-state area J

We are getting ready for a very big regional competition in November.  It is called the Oireachtas and it is held over Thanksgiving weekend.  I know that I have written about this weekend before.  The girls both compete on a solo level and also on several team dances.  The girls love this weekend and it turns out to be a lot of fun for everyone. 

No big travel plans are scheduled as of now, but I always look forward to trips around the world, and exposing the girls to new experiences. 

I hope everyone stays well and I will update you again soon J



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