Friday, March 30, 2012

Traveling to Belfast

Hi Everyone,

Today we traveled up to Northern Ireland to the city of Belfast.  This is where we will finish out our trip and this is also where all of Shannon’s dancing will take place.  We are staying the Fitzwilliam Hotel right in the heart of the city.  That’s what Belfast appears to be, a city, similar to Dublin, but on a larger scale.  Our hotel is fabulous, I would highly recommend it if you are traveling to this region. 

Today was a travel day for us.  As we drove north up the main highway, we saw some beautiful landscape.  Erin actually said that she now understands about Ireland's forty shades of green.  The hills, mountains and valleys were simply breathtaking.  We drove straight through a region that is recognized as a ‘Decorated Region of Beauty’.

Upon arriving in Belfast, we got right down to the business of dancing: checked in to our hotel, walked to see the dancing venue, had a great dinner, stretched and settled Shannon down early for the night. 

Shannon dances tomorrow.  She will be competing among the best in the world.  There are 143 girls in her competition from all over the globe, as far away as Australia.  Send her all of your positive vibes and well wishes, it is going to be tough!  We wish her all the luck in the world!!!!

Stay well, Sharon


At March 31, 2012 at 6:44 PM , Blogger Debbie Campbell said...

Hi Sharon, just loved looking at the beautiful pictures and reading about your trip. Good luck to Shannon and Hi Erin!


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