Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shannon's Solo Dancing Day

Hi Everyone,

As I write this blog, I know that this is my last blog from Dublin, Ireland for a while.  Our family just loves traveling to Ireland and this trip was short and sweet.  We will look forward to our next trip back to this great area of Ireland.  

It is now late Sunday night.  Today was another very busy and fun day of Irish Dancing in Dublin, Ireland!!!!

Today was Shannon’s solo dancing day.  It was a similar day to yesterday and it began by 7:00 a.m. with make-up, hair and a yummy breakfast. 

The first round of dancing began at 9:00, second round at 12:00.  Next came the waiting for the recalls.  We waited to see if Shannon got a recall.  Again, that means that she was invited back to dance again.  Shannon got the recall and she danced her first recall at 2:00 for her heavy shoe.  We then waited for the soft shoe recall announcements.  She was very lucky to get the second recall and she danced this round at 3:00 for her light, soft shoe.  Shannon danced very well today and we were thrilled that she was able to dance these rounds.

We closed our day with an awards ceremony and some pictures and celebrating.

Tomorrow we travel home and we will have terrific memories of the All-Ireland 2012. 

Enjoy some pictures.



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