Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

Greetings from the Windy City,

It is Wednesday night!!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

We started our day off at a breakfast place called ‘Yolk’. It was delicious.  I would highly recommend it if you are ever in Chicago.

From there, we went on a city boat tour of the Chicago River.  It was fascinating to listen to all of the architecture and history of the buildings throughout the city. 

During the boat tour I learned that Chicago is not called the ‘Windy City’ due to any weather or climate reasons.  It is because of a very old nickname that started because of the people of Chicago, and the fact that they brag and gossip between each other.  So ‘windy’ refers to the conversations, not the weather.  

By mid afternoon, we were back at the hotel getting ready for our team dance competition tomorrow. 

At night, we went out to Navy Pier, and watched the fireworks for the Fourth of July.

Happy Fourth to All,



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