Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nationals in Chicago

Hello There Everyone,

It is that time of year again!!!  Yes- time for our National competition!!  

The last time I blogged, we had just finished our last of two trips to Ireland for two major competitions.  As I always say – we love it over on the Emerald Isle.  I hope you enjoyed reading about our trip as much as we enjoyed being there.

All this being said, I have to tell you that the sport of Irish Dance is a year round sport.  Since we came home, both girls have been getting ready for this years’ Nationals.  We continue to dance almost every day of the week.  We travel all over the state for solo and team practice and it keeps our family very busy.   Again, it is fun and fabulous, just very busy. 

Nationals is a competition held once a year at a selected location and everyone from North America and Ireland are allowed to compete if the dancer qualifies.  In order to qualify, a dancer must achieve a certain level at the regional competition.  Our regional competition is held over Thanksgiving weekend and it is held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  I blogged about that last year.  Both Shannon and Erin qualified for Nationals, so both girls will be competing at Nationals. 

Nationals is being held in Chicago, Illinois.  Our family is very excited to be heading out to Chicago.  It will be the girls first time there.  That is one of the best perks of Irish dancing:  exposing the girls to all the traveling.  Shannon and Erin enjoy seeing new places and dancing provides this opportunity for them. 

We will be busy with the dancing, but will be fitting in some fantastic sight seeing.  We have done our research and will be hitting the major hot spots. 

Erin starts off our week dancing on Tuesday.  The girls are competing together on a team this year.  This is the first time they have ever been on a team together.  Their team dances on Thursday.  Shannon finishes our week dancing on Saturday. 

As always, dancing days are crazy days. But I will be doing my best to keep you all updated. 

Enjoy the beginning of your summer and I hope you like reading about our adventures in the 'Windy City'. 



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