Friday, April 15, 2011

Clontarf Castle

We spent Thursday night and part of Friday at Clontarf Castle.  What a terrific place.  The castle is in a key area of Dublin and it is a big part of Dublin's history.  It is one of the country's most historical castles.  A little history -- on Friday, April 23, 1014, the historic Battle of Clontarf took place, which involved the iconic Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland.  The castle was first built in 1172 for an inner circle of defense protecting Ireland. Over the next several hundred years, it changed hands many times.  Finally, it was rebuilt and the castle as we know it, was completed in1837.

The girls had a really fun time exploring :)  There were many staircases and little cubby hole rooms all over the place.  Erin enjoyed the lobby,  she was busy playing the grand piano and entertaining some of the guests.


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